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Books are items in Dead Rising that enhance Frank's abilities in various ways, provided they are in his inventory. The Willamette Parkview Mall has five bookstores, containing a total of 24 books.[1] Most books increase the durability of certain weapon groups. For instance, the Engineering book enhances the durability of the Sledgehammer, Sickle, Hedge Trimmer, etc. Many books offering effects beyond weapon durability are obtained as rewards for defeating certain psychopaths.


Books have different effects, identified by specific symbols:

  1. PP + symbol - Increases prestige points (PP) gained from photography or defeating zombies.
  2. Skill + symbol - Allows Frank to learn skills such as skateboarding and cycling, or improves the ability to escort survivors.
  3. Heal + symbol - Boosts the restorative power of food (multiple books can be held to further enhance the bonus percentage).
  4. Item + symbol - Increases the durability of certain weapons. Like the Heal + books, holding multiple books with the same effect can amplify the bonus.

Press X button when Frank is holding a book to see its effects.[2]

Multiple books with the same effect[]

The following notation indicates how many books can affect an item simultaneously:

  • (x2) - The item can be affected by two books at the same time.
  • (x3) - The item can be affected by three books at the same time.

For example, if Frank carries the three books listed below, the Hedge Trimmer (x3) will have its durability increased by:

  1. The Criminal Biography book
  2. The Engineering book
  3. The Lifestyle Magazine book

When testing in-game, the Hedge Trimmer's durability increased significantly with each additional book:

  • Without any books: 20 hits before breaking
  • With one book: 60 hits before breaking
  • With two books: 180 hits before breaking
  • With three books: 540 hits before breaking[3]

Book list[]

The book names below are sourced from the Dead Rising Official Strategy Guide.[4]

Book name Image Location/Scoop Effect Items affected
Brainwashing Tips Dead rising Brainwashing Tips Location icon Colby's Movieland

A Strange Group scoop Paradise Plaza

Skill +

Makes survivors more aggressive

Camera 1 Dead rising Camera 1 Location icon Contemporary Reading

Paradise Plaza

PP +

+25% prestige points from photographs

Camera 2 Dead rising Camera 2 Location icon Photographer's Pride scoop

Paradise Plaza

PP +

+100% prestige points from photographs

Cooking Dead rising Cooking Location icon Everyone Luvs Books

Entrance Plaza

Skill +

Mixed drinks last twice as long

Criminal Biography Dead rising Criminal Biography Location icon Sir Book-a-lot

Wonderland Plaza

Item +

Edged weapons last 3 times as long

Dead rising attack icon Battle Axe

Dead rising attack icon Ceremonial Sword
Dead rising attack icon Chainsaw (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Cleaver
Dead rising attack icon Fire Ax
Dead rising attack icon Hedge Trimmer (x3)
Dead rising attack icon Katana
Dead rising attack icon Meat Cleaver
Dead rising attack icon Saw Blade (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Sickle (x3)
Dead rising attack icon Small Chainsaw (x3)
Dead rising attack icon Sword

Cycling Dead rising Cycling Location icon Everyone Luvs Books

Entrance Plaza

Skill +

Allows for bicycle tricks and makes bicycles three times longer than usual[5]

Engineering Dead rising Engineering Location icon Bachman's Bookporium

Paradise Plaza

Item +

Tools and construction items last three times as long

Dead rising attack icon 2" x 4"

Dead rising attack icon Chainsaw (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Excavator
Dead rising attack icon Hedge Trimmer (x3)
Dead rising attack icon Lead Pipe
Dead rising attack icon Plywood Panel (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Saw Blade (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Shovel
Dead rising attack icon Sickle (x3)
Dead rising attack icon Sledgehammer
Dead rising attack icon Small Chainsaw (x3)

Entertainment Dead rising Entertainment Location icon Bachman's Bookporium

Paradise Plaza

Item +

Entertainment weapons last three times as long

Dead rising attack icon Acoustic Guitar

Dead rising attack icon Bass Guitar
Dead rising attack icon Bowling Ball (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Electric Guitar
Dead rising attack icon HDTV (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Skateboard (x3)
Dead rising attack icon Small Chainsaw (x3)
Dead rising attack icon Television (x2)

Health 1 Dead rising Health 1 Location icon Sir Book-a-lot

Wonderland Plaza

Heal +

+50% more health from food items

Health 2 Dead rising Health 2 Location icon The Sinister Read

Entrance Plaza

Heal +

+50% more health from food items

Hobby Dead rising Hobby Location icon Contemporary Reading

Paradise Plaza

Item +

Increases the durability of toys

Dead rising attack icon Boomerang (x2)

Dead rising attack icon Novelty Mask (Bear)
Dead rising attack icon Novelty Mask (Ghoul)
Dead rising attack icon Novelty Mask (Horse)
Dead rising attack icon Novelty Mask (Servbot)
Dead rising attack icon Rat Saucer (frisbee)
Dead rising attack icon Rat Stick
Dead rising attack icon Stuffed Bear
Dead rising attack icon Toy Cube
Dead rising attack icon Toy Laser Sword

Horror Novel 1 Dead rising Horror Novel 1 Location icon The Sinister Read

Entrance Plaza

PP +

+25% prestige points from killing zombies

Horror Novel 2 Dead rising Horror Novel 2 Location icon Bachman's Bookporium

Paradise Plaza

PP +

+25% prestige points from killing zombies

Interior Design Dead rising Interior Design Location icon Bachman's Bookporium

Paradise Plaza

Item +

Increases the durability of interior design items

Dead rising attack icon Chair (x2)

Dead rising attack icon Fence
Dead rising attack icon HDTV (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Mannequin (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Painting
Dead rising attack icon Skylight (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Steel Rack (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Stool
Dead rising attack icon Television (x2)

Japanese Conversation Dead rising Japanese Conversation Location icon Sir Book-a-lot

Wonderland Plaza

Allows Frank to speak to Shinji and Yuu in the bookstore during the Japanese Tourists scoop
Lifestyle Magazine Dead rising Lifestyle Magazine Location icon The Sinister Read

Entrance Plaza

Item +

Household items last three times as long

Dead rising attack icon Bucket

Dead rising attack icon Chair (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Garbage Can
Dead rising attack icon Hanger
Dead rising attack icon Hedge Trimmer (x3)
Dead rising attack icon Lawn Mower
Dead rising attack icon Mailbox
Dead rising attack icon Mannequin (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Oil Bucket
Dead rising attack icon Paint Can
Dead rising attack icon Pet Food
Dead rising attack icon Plywood Panel (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Push Broom
Dead rising attack icon Shampoo
Dead rising attack icon Shower Head
Dead rising attack icon Sickle (x3)
Dead rising attack icon Skylight (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Smokestack
Dead rising attack icon Steel Rack (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Step Ladder
Dead rising attack icon Stool
Dead rising attack icon Tool Box

Skateboarding Dead rising Skateboarding Location icon Sir Book-a-lot

Wonderland Plaza

Items +

Allows for skateboard tricks and makes skateboards last three times longer than usual[5]

Sports Dead rising Sports Location icon Contemporary Reading

Paradise Plaza

Item +

Increases the durability of sporting goods

Dead rising attack icon Barbell

Dead rising attack icon Baseball Bat
Dead rising attack icon Boomerang (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Bowling Ball (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Dumbbell
Dead rising attack icon Pick Ax (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Skateboard (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Soccer Ball

Survival Dead rising Survival Location icon The Hatchet Man scoop

North Plaza

Heal +

+100% health recovery from food items

Travel Dead rising Travel Location icon Everyone Luvs Books

Entrance Plaza

Item +

Increases the durability of travel and shopping items

Dead rising attack icon Bench

Dead rising attack icon Handbag
Dead rising attack icon Lipstick Prop
Dead rising attack icon Parasol
Dead rising attack icon Perfume Prop
Dead rising attack icon Pick Ax (x2)
Dead rising attack icon Shopping Cart
Dead rising attack icon Sign
Dead rising attack icon Weapon Cart

Wartime Photography Dead rising Wartime Photography Location icon Everyone Luvs Books

Entrance Plaza

PP +

+25% prestige points from photographs

Weekly Photo Magazine Dead rising Weekly Photo Magazine Location icon Contemporary Reading

Paradise Plaza

Skill +

Display visual cue markers indicating photo type

World News Dead rising World News Location icon The Sinister Read

Entrance Plaza

PP +

+25% prestige points from survivor rescues

Wrestling Dead rising Wrestling Location icon The Hatchet Man scoop

North Plaza

Attack +

Increases the effectiveness of Frank's hand-to-hand combat skills


Dead rising survival book respawns

Like other books, the Survival book respawns if Frank drops or loses it in a different area.


See also[]


  1. Off, Greg (August 7, 2006). Dead Rising Official Strategy Guide. BradyGames. , p. 116
  2. Off, Greg (August 7, 2006). Dead Rising Official Strategy Guide. BradyGames. , p. 42
  3. Smeland, Jeff (August 16, 2006). "Dead Rising – Book Guide". GameFAQs.
  4. Off, Greg (August 7, 2006). Dead Rising Official Strategy Guide. BradyGames. , p. 117
  5. a b "Moves & Books Lists". Cheat Happens.
v · e · d
Brainwashing Tips - Camera 1 - Camera 2 - Cooking - Criminal Biography - Cycling - Engineering - Entertainment - Health 1 - Health 2 - Hobby - Horror Novel 1 - Horror Novel 2 - Interior Design - Japanese Conversation - Lifestyle Magazine - Skateboarding - Sports - Survival - Travel - Wartime Photography - Weekly Photo Magazine - World News - Wrestling