Dead Rising 3
Missions • Attributes • PP Trials • Characters • Psychopaths • Weapons • Vehicles • Clothing • Food • Locations • Endings
Missions • Attributes • PP Trials • Characters • Psychopaths • Weapons • Vehicles • Clothing • Food • Locations • Endings
The Chinese Opera House is a location in Dead Rising 3.
The opera house is one of the largest structures in Ingleton, and is located in the southern part of the district. The opera house itself is inaccessible, but the courtyard and maintenance tunnel are both accessible.
There is a Frank Statue on one of the picnic tables. There is also a Tragic Ending on the top of a pillar in the courtyard.
Note: Items listed are in the front courtyard.
- 1 Assault Rifle
- 2 Handguns
- 1 Briefcase
- 1 Duffle Bag
- 2 Chef Knifes
- 1 Meat Cleaver
- 3 Katana Swords
- 9 Fancy Benches
- 9 Large Planters
- 11 Patio Tables
- 16 High Back Oak Chairs
- 1 Reaper Mask
- 4 Dragon Heads
- 1 Blanka Mask
- 6 Parasols
- 1 Household Cleaner
- 1 Gasoline Canister
- 1 Motor Oil
- 1 Roman Candle
- 3 Rocket Fireworks
- 6 Firecrackers
- 3 Spears
- 1 Scythe
- 1 Shopping Valuables
- 1 Bucket
- 1 Ketchup
- 1 Outdoor Trash Can
- 5 Round Potted Plants
- 1 Handbag
- 1 Garbage Bag
- 1 Leaf Blower
- 1 BBQ Chicken
- 3 Bottled Waters
- 2 Chinese Foods
- 1 Cake
- 2 Orange Juices
- 1 Coffee
- 1 Rations
- 1 Beer