Dead Rising Wiki

The Dragon Punch is a combo weapon in Dead Rising 3.

It can be created by combining Boxing Gloves with a Motorcycle Engine. The weapon blueprint can be found inside of Sunny Luck Fortune in Ingleton.

It is part of the PP Trial Ryu Would Be Proud where 10,000 PP is awarded upon crafting the Dragon Punch 50 times cumulatively across all playthroughs. Completing all PP Trials is required for the achievement "Prestige Hound".


  • One of its attacks has the user perform a Shoryuken, a move from the Street Fighter series, shouting its name while performing it. The weapon's name, "Dragon Punch" is also the alternative name for the Shoryuken.


v · e · d
Afro Wig - Blanka Mask - Bucket - Construction Hat - Dragon Head - Horse Head Mask - Pylon - Razorback - Reaper Mask - Servbot Helmet
Acetylene Tank - Dynamite - Firecrackers - Fire Extinguisher - Flash Grenade - Gas Barrel - Gasoline Canister - Grenade - Grenade Launcher - Hellblast - Laser Trip Wire - Liquid Nitrogen - Molotov - Propane Tank - Rocket Fireworks - RPG - Roman Candle - S19-SHVR - Zombie Gas
Assault Rifle - Auto Shotgun - Big D's Gun - BLN-87 - Drone Turret - Flare Gun - Hand Cannon - Handgun - LMG - Lust Cannon - Machine Pistols - Paintball Gun - Railgun - Sawed-off Shotgun - Shotgun - Sgt. Pistol - Six Shooter - Slagshot - The Pacifier - X-Buster
Ad Board - Backpack - Barbeque - Bench - Box of Nails - Briefcase - Captive Bolt Stunner - Cardboard Box - Cinder Block - Coffee Pot - Cooking Pot - Crowd Control Post - Drum - Duffle Bag - DVD Player Box - Fancy Bench - Flower Pot - Garbage Bag - Garbage Can - Handbag - Hanger - Hunk of Meat - Indoor Garbage Can - Keg - Ketchup - Large Planter - Large Tire - Leather Briefcase - Life Preserver - Mayonnaise - Metal Barricade - Metal Garbage Can - Mustard - Organ Cooler - Outdoor Trash Can - Paint Can - Painting - Pallet - Particle Board - Patio Table - Pay Phone - Plastic Bin - Rotating Display - Round Potted Plant - Sandbag - Sandwich Board - School Desk - Shopping Valuables - Shoulder Purse - Shower Head - Small Fern Tree - Small Potted Plant - Small Suitcase - Spot Light - Square Sign - Steel Shelving - Step Ladder - Suitcase - Surf Board - Tire - Travel Luggage - Urn - Vase - Water Bottle - Water Cooler - Whipped Cream - Wooden Crate - Yoga Ball - Yoga Block
Bag of Marbles - Beach Ball - Cardboard Cutout - Fancy Painting - Female Mannequin - Gumball Machine - Large Lollipop - Lawn Ornament - Male Mannequin - Massager - Otis Painting - Plastic Flamingo - Pogo Stick - Robot Bear - Small Painting - Stick Pony - Swordfish - Toy Gun - Toy Robot - Toy Spitball Gun - Water Gun
Amplifier - Bass Guitar - Battery - Blender - Cash Register - Computer Case - Defibrillator - Electric Guitar - Electric Prod - Flashlight - Frostbite - Game Console - Hair Dryer - Hair Trimmer - HD TV - Keyboard - Laptop - LCD Monitor - Microwave - Neon Sign - Portable Stereo - Refrigerator - Speaker - Television - Traffic Light
Chemicals - Cooking Oil - Household Cleaner - Hot Glue Applicator - Queen Bee - Queen Bee Jar - Motor Oil - Shampoo
Boxing Gloves - MMA Gloves
2x4 - Acoustic Guitar - Baseball Bat - Barbell - Bedside Lamp - Bonecrusher - Bowling Ball - Buffet Chair - Bus Stop Bulb - Car Exhaust - Caveman Club - Ceiling Fan - Coffee Table - Comfy Chair - Crowbar - Dead Blow Mallet - Desk Lamp - Dictionary - Dumbbell - Fire Place Poker - Giant Hookah - Hibachi - High Back Oak Chair - Jewelry Bust - Golf Club - Large Sign - Large Wrench - Lawn Chair - Lead Pipe - Medical Tray - Mailbox - Metal Baseball Bat - Newspaper Box - Nightstick - Office Chair - Padded Blue Chair - Parking Meter - Pick Axe - Riot Shield and Baton - Road Barrier - Shovel - Sledgehammer - Spiked Mace - Tall Wooden Chair - Tennis Racquet - Traffic Barrel Lid - Zombie Slugger
Bone Saw - Bowie Knife - Broadsword - Chef Knife - Combat Knives - Katana Sword - Kitchen Knives - Machete - Saw Blade - Scissors - Surgical Saw
Battleaxe - Fire Axe - Hatchet - Meat Cleaver - Tactical Axe
Cement Saw - Chainsaw - Impact Hammer - Leaf Blower - Mechanic Creeper - Motorcycle Engine - Nailgun - Power Drill - RC Car - RC Helicopter - Sawtooth - Tennis Ball Launcher - Turbine
Broom - Fancy Street Light Top - Ghetto Street Light Top - Guan Dao - Hat Rack - Hockey Stick - Leaf Rake - Large Metal Pole - Mic Stand - Parasol - Parking Gate Barrier - Pitchfork - Scythe - Spear - Standing Lamp - Stone Spear - Street Light Bulb
Crossbow - Harpoon Gun
Baseball - Basketball - Brick - Football - Gems - Hub Cap - Music Discs - Plates - Soccer Ball - Volleyball
Concrete Mixer - Corn Cart - Dolly - Drink Cart - Lawnmower - Luggage Cart - Shopping Cart - Utility Cart - Wheelchair - Woodchipper
Ambulance - Armadillo - Backhoe Loader - Chemical Van - Feastmobile - Fireworks Van - Forkwork - Forklift - Fuel Car - Hearse - Junk Car - Junk Bike - Junk Truck - Low Rider - Mini Bike - Mobile Locker - Motorcycle - Muscle Car - Nick's Muscle Car - Party Slapper - Party Van - Police Car - RollerHawg - Sedan - Shockdozer - Sports Bike - Sports Car - Steamroller - Street Cleaner - Student Driver - SUV - Taxi - Thrasher - Turret Rig - Van - ZDC Control Van
Combo Weapons
Acid Jar - Acid Rain - Acid Toy - The Beast - Beer Hat - Blambow - Bomb Toy - Boom Cannon - Boomer Axe - Car Bomb - Chest Beam - Chop N Talk - Chopper - Chuck Axe - Defiler - Dragon Punch - Dynameat - Electric Chair - Electric Crusher - Electric Rake - Explosive Chair - Fighting Gloves - Fire Arrows - Flamethrower - Flaming Gloves - Flaming Helmet - Flaming Sword - Glaciator - Glove Gun - Hail Mary - Heavy Metal - Helmet Bomb - I.E.D. - Iron Edge - Jack in the Box - Jazz Hands - Junk Ball - Knife Gloves - Laser Sword - Mauler - Metal Mary - Mini Chainsaw - Napalm Bomb - Party Gloves - Pole Weapon - Pummel Blast - Pukes O Hazard - Remote Detonator - Roaring Thunder - Rocket Punch - Sabre Shot - Sentry Cat - Shockblaster - Shocking Touch - Slapper - Sledge Saw - Spiked Bat - Spiked Bucket - Split Shot - Splitter - Sticky Bomb - Super Crossbow - Super Massager - Tactical Handgun - Tenderizers - Weapon Cart - Z.A.R - Zombie Raker
Super Combo Weapons
Big Bomb - Bigger Bomb - Boom Bear - Buffet Cart - Cuddly Bear - Death Mask Reaper - Decoy Bear - Drink Buffet Cart - Electric Shout - Electric Staff - Electrofire Staff - Electroice Staff - Elemental Staff - Enormous Bomb - Fire Reaper - Flame Mecha Dragon - Freedom Bear - Grim Reaper - Grisly Bear - Huge Bomb - Massive Bomb - Meat Buffet Cart - Mecha Dragon - Mecha Dragon Blade - Power Shout - Provoked Bear - Pushy Bear - Super Shout - Tactical RC - Tactical RC Bomber - Tactical RC Gunner - Tactical UAV - Ultimate Buffet Cart - Ultimate Grim Reaper - Ultimate Mecha Dragon - Ultimate Shout - Volatile Bear