Dead Rising Wiki
 Dead Rising Dead Rising 4 

"We knock it out of the park for our customers every day!"
—Map Description

Homerunners is a location in Dead Rising 4.

It is a sports store located in the Caribbean Cove section of the Willamette Memorial Megaplex. There are several clothing items for Frank West to wear and an "Evasion" skill book.

The blueprint for the Bogey Monster are located here.






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Willamette Memorial Megaplex
18 For Life - Amazon Food Court - Albert's Apparel - Alessandro Dante - Aliisa Couture - Angie's VIP Hair Salon - Baron Von Brathaus Restaurant & Deli - B. Reddy Insurance - Beast Beats Guitar and Music Co. - Benny Jack's BBQ Shack - Big Man's Clothing - Bobby Bomber's Clothing Co. - Cameron's Cameras - Capt'n Hats - Central Plaza - Caribbean Cove - Charms of Desire - Checkmarx - Chick Magnet - Classy Jack's Antiques - Colombian Roastmasters - Colossus Express Couriers Ltd. - Cruz Tanning Salon - Dodd's Drugs - Dude, Where's My Snowboard? - El Mode Design - FairMoans - Foro-4 Electronics - Freytag Home Furnishing - Froztee's Frozen Yogurt - Habana Smoke Emporium - Hamburger Fiefdom - Homerunners - Hungry Joe's Pizza - Ja-POP! - Keetos Mountain Equipment - Kiichiro Plaza - King Hiro Arcade - Kitchen Frenzy - Komodo Body Art - Kokonutz Kids - Kuan's Bubble Tea - L. Diego - Mad Love Tees - Mall Emergency Shelter - Mamma Supino Pasta - Manskape Stylists - Max Dymond Jewelers - Maximus Infinity - McQueen Portrait Studio - Medieval Town - Medieval Town Museum - Miami Boardwalk - Miami Boardwalk Raceway - Mr. Chef's - North Pole Town Square - North Pole Town Square Workshop - Oh-San's Sun & Moon Sushi - Papa Plucky's Fried Chicken - Party Poppers - Petty Burger - Pirate's Catch Restaurant - Planet Toddler - Plunge Swimwear - Pumps Shoes - Raj's Samosa Hut - Rhiannon Ferosh - Riley's Home Center - Robsaka Digital - Silk Crane Spa & Wellness Haven - Slappy's Fun Shack - Smiling Dragon - Spa Afrodisia - Special J's Juice Bar - Speedy Expresso - SporTrance - Stillhouse Diner - Submega - Super Punch Comics - Synthetic Cosmetics - Rojo Diablo - The Thirsty Amazon - The Virago Hotel - The Virago Honeymoon Suite - The Virago Standard Room - The Virago Standard Room with View - Toy Rex - Wakizashi Sushi House - White Rook Protection - Ye Olde Toybox - ZEN
West Ridge
Chakra Flex Yoga - Cruz Tanning Salon - Emergency Medical Services Station - Fireworks Stand - Golden Apple Vineyards - House Under Construction - Hudson's Dairy Farm (Tom's Compound) - Kent Farm - Kent Farms Fruit Stand - Mountain Ridge Estates Gated Community - Ned and Ann Teeks - Speedy Expresso - Submega - The Brieder Family - The Dojos - The Fogeys - The Gardners - The Hunters - The Jox Family - The Mekanicks - The Muzaks - The Patriots - The Prawp Family - The Quizeens - Tornado Convenience Stop - West Ridge Emergency Shelter - Willamette Hydroelectric Station - Willamette Jr. High School - Willamette Xmas Tree Lot
Old Town
Apartment above Cameron's Cameras - Apartment Above Dodd's Drugs - Apartment by Nobleman's Barber Shop - B. Reddy Insurance Office - Big Buck Hardware - Big Bull's Meat Shop - Brent's Appliances New and Used - Buffy's Laundromat - Cameron's Cameras - Cochrane's Irish Pub - Colombian Roastmasters - Colossus Express Couriers Ltd. - Dodd's Drugs - Freytag Home Furnishing - Garrison Peace Park - Hungry Joe's Pizza - Low Income Hotel Room - McKenzie Auto - Mr. Chef's - Nobleman's Barber Shop - Old Town Emergency Shelter - Old Town Fire Hall - Rockpile Liquors - Tetro's Comics & Collectibles - The Brain Dump - The Hurly Bird Buffet - Tornado Convenience Stop - Vacant Offices - Willamette Bus Depot - Willamette City Hall Archives - Willamette Gazette & Historical Society - Willamette Impound and Junkyard - Willamette Taxi Co. - Willamette Xmas Tree Lot - Zheng's Kung Fu Academy
North Peak
Freebirds Gun Shack & Shooting Range - Freytag Furniture Factory - Glitter Dolls Nightclub - Gruff 'n Tuff Motors - Ka-Pow! Tires - Kippax Cement - McKenzie Auto - Nickolls Ink - North Peak Emergency Shelter - North Peak Fire Hall - Rockpile Liquors - Santa's Workshop - Shanky's Pool Hall - The Peaks Motel - Tornado Convenience Stop - WLD Country Radio 530 AM - Willamette Train Yard - Willamette Army Reserve