Modifying PC Dead Rising 2 |
Opening files to edit (Gibbed's)
All game items (items.txt)
- Originally from this proboards post
Collision controls the hard surfaces that Chuck, zombies, and survivors walk on and runs up against. This includes any unmovable walls, floors, and unmovable furniture in the game.
In the data/model/environment folders, MERGED_COLLISION.big files control collision.
Every item which has mass has their own MERGED_COLLISION.big file.
The cinematic objects have no mass and have no MERGED_COLLISION.big file.
MERGED_COLLISION.tex which accompany MERGED_COLLISION.big are empty files. This shows that many of these files need both .big and .tex even if the .tex is empty.
- Editing the MERGED_COLLISION.big
These files can only be edited with a hex editor, making these files difficult to edit.
Inside every MERGED_COLLISION.big is a persistent.big file. This file is what controls collision. Ubiquitous removed all of the files in this file and Chuck fell through the floor.
Example of path to persistent file:
- Dead Rising 2\data\models\environment\americana_casinoamericana_casino_z01.big\MERGED_COLLISION.big\persistent.big
Inside this MERGED_COLLISION.big\persistent.big :
MERGED_COLLISION.big\persistent.big | |
vertices files[]
Vertices is singular for vertex. A vertex is a special kind of point that describes the corners or intersections of geometric shapes. One point.
Vertices files all affect collision. There are 11 of these files in this persistent.big:
Vertices files | |
Here is what one vertice file opened with a hex editor:
- meshCOL_decal_z01_walls01 CollisionVertices:
meshCOL_decal_z01_walls01 CollisionVertices |
With a hex editor Ubiquitous went into a few files in persistent.big and replaced values with 00's and collision disappeared. Chuck fell through the floor or walked through the wall.
Indices file as seen with hex editor:
Indices file as seen with hex editor |
Swapping walls and stairs[]
Ubiquitous was able to swap some stairs with a wall, but Chuck was able to run right through it because the MERGED_COLLISION.big file was unchanged. "so when I replaced my stairs with a wall the collision for stairs was still there but the stairs turned into a wall."
Future possibilities[]
If a modder can figure out how to use persistent.big, modders can create brand new areas.
Photos when Ubiquitous renamed the first underground environment file to safehouse.big.
renamed the first underground environment |
Note how Chuck is walking in the first underground section showing that the collisions are contained inside of each environment file.
We are not sure why the tunnel is bright white here.
Bright white |
Off the Record[]
In Dead Rising 2 if a modder removes the floor, (See Mod:Environment) Chuck, all zombies, and survivors can still walk on the location where the floor once was - the collision - solid surface - is still there.
In Off the Record the collision is attached to the visible floor - if a modder removes the floor, Frank, all zombies, and survivors fall through. (see solution below)
For example, most of the Americana Casino floors and walls are found in:
- Dead Rising 2\data\models\environment\americana_casino\americana_casino_z03.big
- Example in Dead Rising 2
In Dead Rising 2, if a modder removes every line in bigfile.xml but six files:
Chuck or Frank, all zombies, and survivors can still walk on the location where the floor once was - the collision - solid surface - is still there.
In Dead Rising 2, if a modder removes every line in bigfile.xml but seven files:
- Example one in Off the Record
In Off the Record, if a modder removes every line in bigfile.xml but these six files:
Frank, all zombies, and survivors fall through the floor. (see solution below)
- Example two in Off the Record
In Off the Record, if a modder removes every line in bigfile.xml but these eight files:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <files version="2"> <entry name="ZONE_ORGANIZATION.big" alignment="4">ZONE_ORGANIZATION.big</entry> <entry name="ZONE_ORGANIZATION.tex" alignment="4">ZONE_ORGANIZATION.tex</entry> <entry name="MERGED_COLLISION.big" alignment="4">MERGED_COLLISION.big</entry> <entry name="MERGED_COLLISION.tex" alignment="4">MERGED_COLLISION.tex</entry> <entry name="z03_v_floor.big" alignment="4">z03_v_floor.big</entry> <entry name="z03_v_floor.tex" alignment="4">z03_v_floor.tex</entry> <entry name="COMMON_TEXTURE.tex" alignment="4">COMMON_TEXTURE.tex</entry> <entry name="COMMON_TEXTURE_LOD.tex" alignment="4">COMMON_TEXTURE_LOD.tex</entry> </files> |
Chuck, all zombies, and survivors can still walk on the location where the floor once was - the collision - solid surface - is still there - even though the floor is not visibly there.
The key was to add back these two files:
<entry name="z03_v_floor.big" alignment="4">z03_v_floor.big</entry> <entry name="z03_v_floor.tex" alignment="4">z03_v_floor.tex</entry>
Case Zero files swapped - crashed[]
- Capcom\Dead Rising 2\data\datafile\persistent_filecache.big
Took the file:
- CaseZero\data\models\environment\prologue\prologue_z01.big
Renamed prologue_z01.big, safehouse.big,
Placed it in:
- Capcom\Dead Rising 2\data\models\environment\safehouse
replacing the original, and the game crashed. This works for Dead Rising 2 files, but does not work for case zero files.