Dead Rising Wiki

One Armed Bandit is a single-player Sandbox Challenge in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.

Location: Slot Ranch Casino.

Prerequisites: 8,005 kills.

Mission: Collect as much money as you can in 2 minutes!


  • Gold ($70,000)
  • Silver ($50,000)
  • Bronze ($20,000)


  • Gold: $25,000 + Money Hacker combo card.
  • Silver: $10,000
  • Bronze: $8,000


  • To achieve the gold medal find at least two gambling magazines, for example Gambling 1 and Gambling 2. You may also wear the Sports Fan Costume which gives an equivalent luck increase. Start the challenge and use the Giant Slot Machine near the challenge star, always bet 1,000 and you will soon win the necessary amount of money. This may take some time and luck because money spent on activating the slot is also deducted from the score.
  • Alternatively, DON'T BOTHER GETTING THE MAGAZINES. Make 2 Money Hackers and before you start the mission, start hacking the machines where Bibi sings WITHOUT picking the money up and hack the ATM machine next to where you start the mission, again, without picking the money up. To use the hacker without wasting it, just tap X a few times while in front of the machine and move before the cash falls. NOW start the mission and go to where you hacked everything and pick up all the money. If you need more, start hacking.