Dead Rising Wiki

Stash - Almuda Warehouse is the eighth Smartglass side-mission in Dead Rising 3.

It will appear after Background Check is completed. This mission can only be played if the Xbox One Smartglass app is connected to the game.


After the servers at the Los Perdidos Police Department are blown up, Jamie will call to thank Nick and, as a reward, tells him the location of a stash of weapons, this one being located at the Huge Industrial Co.. The mission will be completed once Nick enters the room.


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Dead Rising 3 Smartglass Missions
Main Missions
Break and Enter - Feed the People - Hungry City - Uneasy Riders - Locked and Loaded - Poison Payload - The Set-Up - Background Check - Person of Interest - Hunter or Hunted - The Ultimate Solution
Side Missions
Stash - Ingleton Motel - Stash - Sunset Hills Garage - Stash - Ingleton Apartment - Stash - South Almuda Garage - Stash - Wine Cellar - Stash - Almuda Rental - Stash - Central City Hotel - Stash - Almuda Warehouse - Stash - Maintenance Tunnel - Stash - Central City Garage