Dead Rising Wiki
For other uses, see Tape It or Die (disambiguation).

"We've got to stick together to survive."
—Tape It or Die slogan

Tape It or Die is an organization and internet blog dedicated to educating people about combo weapons. They advocate the use of duct tape to craft traps and weapons such as Knife Gloves or Paddlesaws for defense. They have been criticized by CURE for their encouragement of violence against zombies.

The group consists of four core members: Johnny Pipes, Gretchen Peregrine, "Left Hand" Lance, and Wallace Hertzog. In the months leading up to the release of Dead Rising 2, the group regularly posted blog updates on their website, which could be accessed at the now-defunct promotional website

Tape It or Die 1[]

In Tape It or Die 1, the Tape It or Die team appear as survivors in Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. The player can find them on the third day (September 27) between 6:00 am and 12:00 pm in their hidden studio, located behind KokoNutz Sports Town in the Palisades Mall. The locked door at the back will display the proper name and will be open. At first, they won't join the player's party, but Wallace will ask for the parts to make a Plate Launcher. Upon bringing the parts, he will craft the weapon and provide the player with the combo card. However, they cannot be escorted to the Safe House until the next part of the mission later in the game.

Tape It or Die 2[]

In Tape It or Die 2, the player will receive a message that the team is in trouble after their hideout catches on fire. Upon arrival, they will be found on the first floor fighting off zombies. From here, the player will be able to escort them to the Safe House, and in return, the player will be given two combo cards: the Blazing Aces and the Exsanguinator.


  • Despite being the inventors of combo weapons, the Tape It or Die team will not accept any combo weapons from Chuck or Frank, as with all other survivors.


See also[]

External links[]

v · e · d
Tape it or Die
Tape it or Die - Combo Weapons
John Boog - Carl - Travis Conyers - Curtis Ellenton - Wallace Hertzog - Patricia Kucharska - "Left Hand" Lance - Ricky Lloyd - Kevin Meyers - Gretchen Peregrine - Johnny Pipes - Brian Scherbey