Dead Rising Wiki


The Tape It or Die Set is the hideout of the four Tape It or Die members located in the Palisades Mall in Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. It is the back room of KokoNutz Sports Town and can only be accessed from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm on September 27 (Day 3).

Tape It or Die 1[]

During the unmarked mission Tape It or Die 1, at any time from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm on the third day, the player can find the four main members of Tape It or Die (Gretchen Peregrine, Johnny Pipes, Wallace Hertzog, and "Left Hand" Lance) hiding in the room after forgetting to lock the door of their hideout. When Chuck talks to Wallace, he finds out that Wallace has thought of a possible new weapon, but will need someone to scavenge the parts. After Chuck brings him plates and a cement saw, he rewards him with a Plate Launcher and its combo card. When Chuck leaves the room after getting him the items, the door will be locked once again and the four survivors will not be encountered until Stacey calls him about Tape It or Die 2.



Dead Rising 2 Off the Record


Dead Rising 2 Off the Record



  • The Dead Rising 2 Prima Official Game Guide does not list the contents of this room. The contents are found in the PC game file: data/datafile.big/tape_die.txt.
  • In tape_die.txt, there are seven "cZombieWarehouse" sections with names such as "Breachin" and "BreachinTopStairs". "cZombieWarehouse" is used to place zombies.
  • This is the only place where the "Mid length T-shirt Jeans" clothing item may be found.


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Tape it or Die
Tape it or Die - Combo Weapons
John Boog - Carl - Travis Conyers - Curtis Ellenton - Wallace Hertzog - Patricia Kucharska - "Left Hand" Lance - Ricky Lloyd - Kevin Meyers - Gretchen Peregrine - Johnny Pipes - Brian Scherbey
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Plazas, Hotels, & Casinos
Fortune City - Americana Casino - Atlantica Casino - Food Court - Fortune City Arena - Fortune City Hotel - Fortune Park - Palisades Mall - Platinum Strip - Royal Flush Plaza - Silver Strip - Slot Ranch Casino - South Plaza - Yucatan Casino
Albert's Apparel - The American Historium - Antoine's - Army Surplus Gift Store - Astonishing Illusions - Bagged! - Baron Von Brathaus - Barrel of Goods - Beach Body Swim House - Bennie Jack's BBQ Shack - Brand New U - Cash Gordon's Casino - Casual Gals - Charms of Desire - Cheesecake Mania - The Chieftain's Hut - Children's Castle - Chocolate Confession - Chris' Fine Foods - The Cleroux Collection - Cucina Donnacci - The Dark Bean - Dining at Davey's - Earmark Leather - Entertainment Isle - Estelle's Fine-lady Cosmetics - Eternal Timepieces - Everything Diamond - FairMoans - Finders Peepers - Flexin' - For Your Leisure - From Fortune With Love - Hamburger Fiefdom - Hat Racks - High-Noon Shooting Range - Hostile Zone - Hot Excitorama - Hungry Joe's Pizzeria - In the Closet - Juggz Bar & Grill - Just in Time Payday Loans - Kathy's Space - Kids' Choice Clothing - Kicks for Her - KokoNutz Sports Town - Leigh's Fine Liquor - Lombardi's - Luaii Wauwii - The Man's Sport - Marriage Makers - Modern Businessman - Moe's Maginations - Ned's Knicknackery - One Little Duck Bingo - Paradise Platinum Screens - The Peep Hole - Players - Pub O' Gold - Que's Hats - Ragazines - Robsaka Digital - Robsaka Mobile - Rockets Red Glare - Rojo Diablo Mexican Restaurant - Roy's Mart - Rush Wireless - Severed Ties - Shamrock Casino - Shanks - Shoal Nightclub - The Shoehorn - Shots & Awe - Sipparellos - Small Fry Duds - Souvenir Kiosk - Space - Speedy Expresso - SporTrance - Stan's Large Print Books and Magazines - Sturdy Package - Stylin' Toddlers - Swept Away - Terror Togs - Three Club Monte - Tinkerbox - Trendy Cindy - Tunemakers - Ultimate Playhouse - Under the Sea Travels - Universe of Optics - The Venus Touch - Wallington's - Wave of Style - Wild West Grill House - Wily Travels - Ye Olde Toybox - Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Fortune City Emergency Shelter - Maintenance Rooms - Pawnshops - Restrooms - Tape It or Die Set - Underground
Off the Record Exclusive Locations
Fortune City Bank - Uranus Zone (Jump Space 7 - Galactic Experience - Galactic Glide - MidWay-G-Matron 2525 - Molemen from Uranus - Orbital Oscillation - UFO Crash)